Bildeston Primary School is an inclusive school which aims to ensure that the needs of every child are met. Our SEND policy details further our philosophy in relation to SEND. Our Local Offer is also available on the Local Authority’s website. Follow the link below for the SEND information report and our SEND policy for a more detailed explanation.
Currently, the school provides for a range of additional needs.
These may include:-
The approach to teaching children and young people with SEN
The aim of Bildeston Primary School’s SEND policy is to ensure that all children have access to the best educational opportunities for them to achieve their personal and academic best. We have high aspirations and expectations of all pupils and act to remove barriers that would prevent a child from reaching his or her full potential.
In line with the SEND Code of Practice 2015, we adopt a graduated approach of support in order to meet pupils’ needs. The graduated approach is a four-part cycle of ‘assess, plan, do, review’, through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing knowledge and understanding of the pupil’s needs.
How children with SEND are enabled to engage in activities with children in the school who do not have SEND
At Bildeston Primary School we believe wholeheartedly in inclusion and include all SEND pupils into the full life of the school. Quality first teaching takes place in all classrooms and the provision is adapted to meet the needs of pupils with a special educational need. Children with SEND receive support that is in addition to or different from the provision made for other pupils. All teachers take account of a child’s additional needs when planning, teaching and assessing, including:-
Providing appropriate support for pupils with communication, language or literacy needs;
Planning to develop children’s understanding through the use of all available senses and experience;
Planning to enable children to take full part in learning, including physical and practical activities;
Managing children’s behaviour in order to take part in learning effectively and safely;
Helping children to manage their emotions in order to take part in the learning effectively.
Our federation is SENDCo is Mrs Clarke. She is based at Whatfield but visits Bildeston weekly. Wherever possible meetings will include the class teacher as they have the most detailed knowledge of the child.
The local Authority make a local offer to parents and Access Unlimited is as excellent website with information guidance and advice for parents.