Pupil Premium is a government grant in addition to the main school funding that schools receive in their annual budgets. Appropriate use of this money can help to address educational inequalities between children in schools.
Pupil Premium Funds are received for:
If a child is eligible for FSM and a parent applies, this triggers the funding.
If you think that your child might be eligible for FSM and you would like more information, please do contact the school office.
Schools are free to allocate and spend the Pupil Premium Grant in the way they deem most appropriate, however we are accountable for ensuring this grant is deployed effectively. The senior leadership team, staff and governors evaluate how Pupil Premium money is spent and the impact the money is having on pupils' attainment. Vulnerable groups are identified and appropriate interventions are put in place, funded by the Pupil Premium. The school tracks all disadvantaged children and targets the interventions.
New measures will be included in the performance tables that will report on the achievement of those pupils covered by the Pupil Premium. Schools are required to publish online information about how they have used the Premium to ensure that the community is very aware of how effective the grant has been to close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged pupils.
To find out about the government's Pupil Premium and how the school makes effective use of this funding you can read the Pupil Premium Reports which are separate for Bildeston and for Whatfield.
Pupil Premium Spending 2022/2023
Our school received £34,028 for Pupil Premium for 2022/2023
Our school invests in additional staff across the school to facilitate the delivery of interventions to meet the needs of disadvantaged pupils. We have small daily intervention groups from EYFS to Year 6 to ensure that children who may have barriers to learning are able to progress alongside their less disadvantaged peers.
Our SENDCo is Mrs Clarke. We also employ 2 Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTA) working across the school and a qualified teacher for 3 days a week. This approach to staffing ensures continuity of teaching can be maintained in the event of illness or when teachers are out of school on training. This reduces the need for external supply teachers, which benefits all children and impacts positively on their emotional well-being as well as their academic achievements.
Breakfast Club and After-school clubs
We provide a daily breakfast club for all pupils. The school staff ensures that pupils eat well and enjoy a positive and healthy start to the day, as part of our healthy schools programme.
Our pupils enjoy a rich and varied range of subsidised extra-curricular clubs, which run daily during term time. Clubs include: Dodgeball, Football, Library, Keep Active, Inspire to Teach, Worry Warriors and Book club. We run some clubs at lunchtime to ensure our pupils who come by bus can access them.
Funded places
For families in financial need we provide support with assistance with school trips and uniform, including looked after children.
Each year we subsidise various residential trips for a number of pupils, who would not have had the experience otherwise.
We also subsidise places for after-school clubs for Pupil Premium pupils.
Impact of the Pupil premium Grant.
The following data is taken from 2019
KS2 progress of disadvantaged pupils
KS2 progress of pupils with special educational needs
KS2 attainment
Data from 2020 was not collected due to the disruption caused by the pandemic. However pupils receiving pupil premium were supported at home through school meal vouchers and laptop loans to access learning if they were not attending school in person. Year 6 pupils moved on to high school positively.
External Validation
Ofsted judged Bildeston Primary to be Good in June 2017.
“As leaders and governors, you are careful and thoughtful in how you use the government’s additional funds. Governors support you in providing a wide range of additional and valuable resources for pupils. For example, you offer access to counselling or play therapy and additional support for pupils to attend the school trips you organise, and you support families effectively when their children start school. Disadvantaged pupils make good progress in their learning in all key stages”.
Kim Hall - Ofsted Inspector