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School Rules

We believe that children thrive on praise and every opportunity is taken to encourage good work and polite, social behaviour. 


Good work or achievement is regularly highlighted in our assemblies. Class teachers frequently award team points. We follow the Jenny Mosley Golden Rules:


  • We are gentle - We don't hurt others
  • We are kind and helpful - We don't hurt anybody's feelings
  • We listen - We don't interrupt
  • We are honest-  We don't cover up the truth
  • We work hard - We don't waste our own or others' time
  • We look after property - We don't waste or damage things


Rules to ensure safe, smooth running school day for everyone

  1. Children will not be admitted to the premises before 8:40am and they should not return to the site after leaving at the end of the school day, except to attend clubs or events organised for them.
  2. Morning Snacks. A healthy snack such as an apple, banana or carrot for mid-morning break is welcomed, but not sweets, crisps or chocolate biscuits. The children in Bee and Owl Classes are offered a piece of fruit or vegetable at morning playtime: this is free of charge.
  3. Money should not be brought to school except for dinner money, official collections or other school functions as and when they occur. Toys can only be brought in with the teacher's permission and children are not allowed to swap items in school.
  4. Jewellery and Watches. Rings, bracelets, earrings etc are not allowed as these have been known to cause accidents. In those few cases where children have pierced ears, they should wear plain studs only, please – and these must be removed by the child for PE. Children may wear watches, but it must be understood that they will be required to remove them for Games and PE and that the school cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage. 